Raise capital
your way

Bespoke solutions for any stage of your capital lifecycle. From your earliest seed round all the way to IPO, DealMaker is your capital co-pilot.

Find out which offering type is right for your business

There are a several different ways you can raise capital.
We support all of them.

Decorative elementDecorative element
Raise up to $5M
via Reg CF
Raise from both accredited and non-accredited (retail) investors
No audit needed to start
Typically early-stage companies
A great low-cost option; easy to roll into a subsequent Reg A if you hit the $5M offering max
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Raise up to $75M
via Reg A
Raise from both accredited and non-accredited (retail) investors
Audited financial statements required
Typically mid-stage or growth-stage companies
The only way to raise up to $75M from retail investors; great for companies with a large number of customers & followers
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Raise any amount
via Reg D
Raise from accredited investors only
Minimal disclosure required
Typically established companies
The most common private placement structure; great for companies targeting an existing base of accredited investors
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We also support warrants, funds, Reg. S raises, offering memorandums, and other private placements. Learn more.

Not sure which one to choose?

Talk to one of our funding experts for a personal consultation.

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